JMAC Architecture

Specialising in bespoke residential design across the Bay of Plenty and beyond, JMAC finely balance art and science to create striking architectural wonders that embrace life.

Their award-winning Mount Maunganui studio is led by Design Director, Jason Macdonald, who is passionate about driving innovation and excellence within the industry. 

Over more than 25 years, Jason’s local knowledge, skillset and love for his craft have seen him design some of the most renowned homes in New Zealand.

Supported by his close-knit team of architectural designers, Jason and JMAC continually achieve epic results that blur the lines of what is possible, and they are tenacious leaders in their field.  

Their clients’ dreams are their inspiration, brought to life as part of an intimate and creative process. Known for their fresh, seamless and energetic approach to great home design, JMAC will guide you through the whole process to the completion of your project.